Delicious Autumn

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. —George Eliot

by Rachael Dupree

Delicious autumn!  My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.  —George Eliot (

OK, I know, I know. I still have one full week until autumn officially graces us with its presence, but I’m already brimming with excitement. Goosebumps run up and down my arms as I think of what the change of seasons will bring with it.

I adore fall and all its glory: The golden and red leaves that spill over tree tops and flutter to the ground in the crisp breeze. The heirloom Northern Spy that crunches and dribblees tart juice down your chin as you sink your teeth through its white flesh. Grinning orange visages perched upon porch steps, and their counterparts baked into pies and muffins, soups and gratins. The trusty wool sweaters pulled from the attic, carrying the faint scent of bonfires and cinnamon sticks, the memory of seasons past tagging not far behind.

Do you share in this love?

After the heavy weight of summer’s heat and demanding chores lifts, I’m eager to throw on my boots for an afternoon of romping through an orchard. I’ll greedily select voluptuous red apples as their branches reach out, willingly handing over the offering. And then, feeling a little guilty, I’ll toss in a few knobby fruits, too, not wanting their gifts to be overlooked.

I’ll bask in autumn’s cooler air. It cleanses the body, swollen tired from long days of planting and harvest, and rejuvenates soul. It ushers in a time to pause, to rest. Moments that not long ago were filled with chores and to-do lists are now free for the mind to absorb the beauty of the farm and to synthesize its cycles that have come full circle since spring presented itself just a short time ago.

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As the sun begins to slip under the horizon, exposing the day’s last warm glow, I’ll head to the house and reach for a crocheted blanket passed down from my great-grandmother. I’ll cozy up next to my fella, mugs of cider our hands. A cat will likely curl at our feet, and a book reserved for this time of respite—an old favorite, pages curled and cover stained—will sit by patiently like a dear friend, awaiting the time when we can connect once again.  

I know we still have a week of summer. There’s still time for sun-warmed tomatoes and juicy melons and final splashes in the lake before the heat dissipates and the long days grow shorter. All these things are wonderful and I’ll mourn their good-byes as they slowly take their last bows, but I long for the promises of autumn. What is now simply a daydream will sweep me away soon enough.

What are you favorite things about autumn? Please share below!

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