Transplants: Vegetable Planting Guide to Seedlings

Excerpt from the Popular Garden Series magabook Vegetable Gardens with permission from its publisher, BowTie magazines, a division of BowTie Inc. Purchase Vegetable Gardens here. While growing vegetables from seeds can be especially rewarding, transplants might be the best option for most new gardeners. “If you’re a first-time gardener, I suggest you plant transplants — also […]

5 Herbal Teas to Feed Plant Starts

Plenty of chemicals are available to help anyone propagate plants. The problem with them is … the chemicals. Why not use natural methods instead?

Time to Transplant

I finally got around to transplanting all the seedlings growing on my new grow-light stand. They look so great!

Spring Seed Starting

I know that spring is just around the corner because the chickens have started to lay again. That’s always a good sign. There are, of course, other indications that spring is nearly here.

Scoring Grow Lights

Jackpot! A gardening friend sent me an email a few days ago to let me know she had a grow-light system that was currently homeless. Did I want it? Of course I did!