DIY Macramé Hanging Vase

Display your favorite cut flowers or potted plants using this simple hanging vase.

by Emily Lawrence Mendoza

Macramé might stir up visions of hippie communes and VW buses, but the art of knot-tying actually has its roots in sailing. This close sister to knitting lends itself to an organic crafting style and is accessible in terms of both skill and supplies.

The tutorial below requires only two materials—a rope and a container—as well as a basic knowledge of square knots and braids. Once you’ve mastered the skill of rope-tying, you can use it in endless variations, incorporating intricate knots and braids into your crafts. If cut flowers aren’t your thing, substitute a terra-cotta pot for the mason jar. I’m dying to see a set of these hanging in a kitchen window with fresh herbs at the ready.

What You’ll Need:

  • mason jar (or small plant container)
  • rope or sturdy twine
  • scissors

Step 1

DIY Macrame Vase - Photo by Emily Lawrence Mendoza ( #crafts

Cut 4 long lengths of rope or twine, each one six times the height of the jar. Tie all four ropes together in a basic knot at their center. Alternately, you could connect the ropes with a friendship knot for a flatter resting point.

Step 2

DIY Macrame Vase - Photo by Emily Lawrence Mendoza ( #crafts

Put your jar upside down on your work surface, and lay the center knot over the base.

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Step 3

DIY Macrame Vase - Photo by Emily Lawrence Mendoza ( #crafts

Gather two ropes and tie (hitch) them with a square knot about 1½ inches down from the starting knot. Repeat the process with the remaining three pairs of rope.

Step 4

DIY Macrame Vase - Photo by Emily Lawrence Mendoza ( #crafts

Repeat step 3 for the next row, being sure to pair the ropes to hitch from side-by-side knots from the row above. You should be creating a fishnet like pattern. Strive to keep spacing equal but taught to the container. Continue adding rows as needed to fit the jar or planter.

Step 5

DIY Macrame Vase - Photo by Emily Lawrence Mendoza ( #crafts

Gather the strands from two side-by-side knots at the base rim of the container, and tie them in a tight square knot. Run the pairs of ropes around the rim and tie again into a tight square knot.

Step 6

DIY Macrame Vase - Photo by Emily Lawrence Mendoza ( #crafts

Braid the ropes in two groupings of four, with two strands from the top knot in each of the groupings.

Step 7

DIY Macrame Vase - Photo by Emily Lawrence Mendoza ( #crafts

Once the two braids are finished tie them both together with one final square knot at the tops and trim the ropes.

Tip for Use

This is my favorite vase for collecting my cut garden roses. I can just hang it over my arm to collect my clippings in while still having two hands free.

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