cold frame

Build a Cold Frame from a Storm Door

Larger than your typical cold frame, these plans will help you construct a place to extend the growing season of your favorite garden vegetables.

Start New Plants with Root Cuttings

If you’re looking for an easy project to start soon after the ground thaws, consider making new plants from root cuttings. It’s a great and inexpensive way to expand your garden, and spring and early fall are great times to do it.

washing carrots

Wash Your Organic Carrots!—Here’s Why

Practice food safety by properly washing all fruits and vegetables (organic or not) before eating to minimize your exposure to pathogens and chemicals.

From ‘Selfie’ to ‘Healthie’ in 2014

As a magazine staffer, it’s part of my job to keep afloat of new media trends ,and one most inescapable social media trends in 2013 was the “selfie,” which was named Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year.