Chèvre to Gouda Cheese: Less is Better

Sometimes less of a high-quality thing beats heaps of average. Take cheese, for example. For our farmstead feasts, we’ve learned to focus on using local, high-quality, European-style or artisanal cheeses.

Explore Farmers’ Markets While Traveling

Make farmers’ markets a priority on your travel agenda and you’ll save money (no admission fees), go green (most markets showcase seasonal, sustainable products) and support local (slap that cash directly in the farmer’s hand).

Turn Your Passion into Income: Think Pizza

“It seemed obvious,” Scott Lynch says with a grin when asked why he and his family started La Fortuna Pizza, a mobile wood-fired pizza business based in Madison, Wis., that features local ingredients. But Scott’s not trying to be coy: “We have a passion for local food, love to cook and find a deep satisfaction in making people happy. Pizza brings these all together.”

Grow-It-Yourself Ingredients

Many farmstead chefs take the DIY mantra beyond the confines of the kitchen into the gardens. After all, the best-tasting meals start with the freshest, perfectly ripe ingredients.

Host a Soup Night

Brenda Carus is on a mission to build community, one soup pot at a time. She and her family cook up reasons for people to connect over food by hosting impromptu “soup nights” during the winter months.

4 Ways to Harvest Ideas at Farming Conferences

For most of us, winter brings four certainties: Catching up on sleep, completing tax returns, ordering from seed catalogues, and reconnecting with new or old farming friends farming conferences.

Kitchen Creation: Eggs Benedict

There’s nothing more enticing to the eye, nose and palate than eggs Benedict, especially when made with a couple slices of Canadian bacon and poached farm-fresh eggs with their nutrient-rich orange yolks. It’s a work of art on the farm-breakfast plate.

Poached-egg Perfection

When we say we’re farmstead chefs, it means we operate from a kitchen that looks out onto a farmyard, not from a stainless-steel commercial kitchen with a cacophony of cooking gear and a fancy set of matching knives. We’re first to admit, we don’t even own a chef’s knife.

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