Kristi Cook

Title: Homesteader

Location: Arkansas

Expertise: Homesteading

Kristi Cook lives in Northeast Arkansas where she and her family raise everything from fruits and veggies to chickens, goats and honeybees. Kristi defines a homesteader as “anyone striving to reduce their dependence on commercialism, whether it’s through gardening, raising meat animals and/or bees, going off-grid, or buying locally sourced goods.” Kristi believes that it’s not the degree of self-reliance that defines a homesteader, but instead the mindset and the simple reduction of dependence.


Kristi has acquired a long list of homesteading skills, including canning, animal husbandry, soap making, and more. She’s currently in the process of learning the ins and outs of beekeeping, and is excited to pass her on her homesteading knowledge and help empower those pursuing a more sustainable lifestyle.

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