As I mentioned last week, a blog reader commented on comparing guarantees when considering which of two brands to buy. He makes a good point. I hate to say how many splitting axe handles my son and I have gone through. If I just bought a fiberglass-handled splitting axe with a lifetime replacement guarantee, I could stop supporting the hickory wood workers.
If only the decision was that simple. The problem is that I like the feel of the wooden handle. I like the way it slides through my hand on the down stroke. I even like the process of replacing a spent handle with a new one. It is a hassle and a minor expense, but as addictions go, it’s not too bad, so I’ll probably stick with my wooden handle.
However, when I was looking at battery pack tools, I went with the company promising replacement of the tool and the battery packs. It is increasingly hard to find a small tool repair shop, but more importantly, the industry has a bad reputation when it comes to replacement battery packs. Countless tools get thrown away each year because a battery pack is no longer available.
Even if a lifetime guarantee is offered, ask the tough questions. We have a garage door opener with a lifetime guarantee on parts. Recently the dealer told me our model had been discontinued, and parts would no longer be available. His solution was for me to buy a new opener. Mine was to call the company. The customer service department said it was discontinued, but they would replace it with a new opener if parts were not available. In this case, I’ll stick with the company, but I am looking for a new dealer.