
Submit Your Classified Ad

Reach our engaging audience with a classified ad in our national, award-winning print magazines and website. Our loyal and farm-focused readers and visitors are interested in supporting your business.

To place classified ads in Print or Online, please complete this form.
Ad information
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*Note:The fee will increase if the total word count exceeds 20 words.

choose your preference

Online only ad (20 words)

$18.00 per month
$16.00 per month
$12.00 per month
$8.00 per month

Online + Print ad

chickens Logo
$38.00 per issue
$33.00 per issue
$30.00 per issue
$27.00 per issue
hobbyfarms Logo
$55.00 per issue
$50.00 per issue
$45.00 per issue
$40.00 per issue

1 Issue = 2 Months in Print and Online

For classified information or larger display gallery ads - contact Sarah Jones at