Dig through that pile of shoes in your closet and find those cowboy boots you never wear. They have a new chance at life. The American Paint Horse Foundation is asking for new or gently worn boots for young riders. The nonprofit organization has joined with Camp Carter YMCA, a popular retreat in Fort Worth, Texas, that teaches thousands of children each year each how to ride and educates them on equestrian-related topics. The camp needs the boots to properly gear up the students who are learning to ride. The donated boots should have a heel and can be children or adult sizes. The APHF will collect the boots for Camp Carter and will donate any extra boots to other YMCA and equestrian centers. Fort Worth, Texas, donors can drop off boots at the World Championship Paint Horse Show at Will Rogers Equestrian Center on 401 W. Lancaster Avenue June 24 – July 4 or anytime at APHA headquarters on 2800 Meacham Blvd. All other doners can mail cowboy boots to: “Leg Up on Life” For more information on the boot drive, please contact the American Paint Horse Foundation at (817) 834-2742.
2800 Meacham Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76137