We asked, and you answered. Here’s what keepers of Tamworth pigs wrote in to tell us about their love for the hog, a smart, striking and fun-loving bacon breed!
We love Tamworth pigs for their social personality and intelligence, not to mention all the bacon. The meat is outstanding! They also love belly rubs and are active and love to explore.
Shawna Fyffe, Sarah’s Pastured Pigs, Chillicothe, Ohio
Read more: Interested in pasturing some hogs of your own? Here are the when, wheres and hows of pasturing pigs!
What I love about Tamworth pigs is their intelligence and active nature, good mothering and terrific pork. Traditionally a bacon breed, they are long bodied and have a good distribution of lean with fat. And, of course, with their beautiful red hair, they look amazing grazing on a green pasture or contrast against snow. They are able to withstand four seasons of weather with a hardy constitution.
Hillary Gallino, Powder Creek Ranch, Beaver, Oregon
This article originally appeared in the March/April 2022 issue of Hobby Farms magazine. Email us your thoughts (~250 words) and a photo of you and your livestock to hobbyfarms@hobbyfarms.com (subject line: I Love My Livestock!). We’ll publish our favorites in upcoming issues.