It’s blueberry season once again, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. We preserve blueberries in a variety of ways to stretch the season throughout the year. We make preserves such as dehydrated fruit leather, water bath canned jams and sauces of various flavors. We also flash freeze them for later use in baking, smoothie making or for snacking on by the bowlful—one of my daughter’s favorite treats.
My personal favorite way to preserve blueberries is to make a classic blueberry jam. I enjoy gifting variety packs of jams over the holidays, and blueberry jam is always a hit.
There is nothing better than tasting the sweet taste of summer in the dead of winter here in Minnesota (it gives us hope and something to look forward to when it’s 15 degrees F below).
Yield: 4 (8 ounce) jelly jars
- 2 lbs. fresh blueberries (about 6 cups)
- 3 cups white granulated sugar
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
Wash blueberries, remove stems and any bruised or flawed berries. Add blueberries to a large heavy-bottomed, non-reactive pot, and use a potato masher to slightly break them down. Stir in the sugar and lemon juice.
Bring the ingredients to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-high and simmer for 20 minutes, until the jam begins to thicken. Stir often to avoid burning.
Water Bath Canning Instructions
Ladle the hot jam into warm prepared jars (jars that have been washed and kept warm prior to filling). Leave 1/4 inch headspace (room from the top of the jam to the rim of the jar). Wipe the rims of the jar clean, and place the canning lid on the jar.
Screw the ring on the jar until it’s fingertip tight. Just get it snug on the jar, not fully tightened.
Carefully lower the jars into a hot water bath and cover with the lid. Turn the heat to high and, once the water begins a rolling boil, set the timer and process in the water bath for 10 minutes. Adjust cook time for altitude as needed.
Once water bath processed, carefully remove the jars from the hot pot with canning tongs. Place the jars on a towel-lined surface for 12 hours without touching. After 12 hours, remove the jar rings and test to make sure that the lids have securely sealed onto the jars.
Label and date. These preserved jars of food will keep for one year in the cupboard. Refrigerate after breaking the seal.
Refrigerator Instructions
If you prefer to skip the water bath canning process, allow the jam to cool once it thickens. Fill clean jars with jam and tightly screw on the lids. Refrigerate.
For best flavor, enjoy the jam within one month.
For more information on safe home water bath canning, check out the USDA’s “Complete Guide to Home Canning, Guide 7: Preparing and Canning Jams and Jellies.“
This recipe was shared from Can It & Ferment It with permission from Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.