The editors of Chickens magazine are always on the lookout for great chicken photos, and in the September/October 2023 print issue they ran a contest titled Shutterclucks.
Above is the winning photo submitted by Steph Post from Brooksville, Florida, and below you’ll find others chosen and printed in Chickens. Each one includes the name and city of residence of the chicken lover (or lovers) who submitted it.
Amanda Wynant | Greensburg, Indiana
Cordel Garrett | Suffolk, Virginia
Denise Williams | Knoxville, Tennessee
Hanna Y. | Dillsburg, Pennsylvania
Kat Dunton | Putnam, Connecticut
Meredith Reardon | Red Hook, New York
William Banks | Wilmington, North Carolina
Ann Lewis | Bend, Oregon
Vanessa Garcia | Ennis, Texas
Got a cool clucker you want to show off? Email us an image of your chicken(s) to chickens@chickensmagazine.com with the subject line Shutterclucks, and include your name and mailing address. The winner will receive a prize from one of our sponsors!
This article originally appeared in the Nov../Dec. 2023 issue of Chickens magazine.