Langshan Chicken: Get to Know This Rare Breed
February 6, 2025Langshan Chickens Come In Two Distinct Breeds Ideal for Both Egg and Meat Production
Langshan Chickens Come In Two Distinct Breeds Ideal for Both Egg and Meat Production
If You Live in a Warm Climate, These Breeds Can Thrive When the Temperatures Soar
Meet this All-American Breed and Great Brown Egg Producer
From Really Expensive to More Manageable, These Birds Top Many Must-Have Lists
Brown Egg Laying Chickens Are the Most Common Egg Layers in Backyard Flocks
Find Out Why Golden Comet Chickens May Be a Good Fit for Your Flock
In this final “honest truth” about popular poultry, we recount experiences keeping Rhode Island Red, Golden Comet, Barred Plymouth Rock and Serama chicken breeds.
Continuing with our look at popular breeds, we discuss real-life experiences keeping Araucana, Cochin, Easter Egger and Welsummer chickens.
There’s a lot of poultry information out there—not all of it true—so our resident chicken expert is sharing decades of experience about popular chicken breeds.
As we ready for International Heritage Breeds Week, let’s look at four critically endangered breeds of chickens: Campine, Houdan, La Flèche and Malay.