Agrihood Life: Connect Agriculture to Neighborhoods
February 12, 2024Agrihoods Are a Relatively New & Rising U.S. Trend Connecting Neighbors, Land & Agriculture
Agrihoods Are a Relatively New & Rising U.S. Trend Connecting Neighbors, Land & Agriculture
CSAs aren’t just for vegetables anymore! Farms across the country are using creative license to get you the fresh products you want to buy.
Move beyond vegetable produce and supply your biggest farm supporters with other value-added goodies.
A study performed out of UC Davis finds that some farmers subscribe to a broader definition to “community-supported agriculture” and that a whole new demographic is jumping in on the action.
Spring ushers in the return of the bluebirds, tulips and, increasingly, members of community-supported-agriculture farms.Here are four ways to make the most of your CSA membership.
Photo courtesy Digital Vision/Thomas Northcut/Thinkstock Increasingly, chefs who are commited to local farms and fresh, organic produce are partnering with farmers to distribute CSA subscriptions. Your favorite restaurant may be serving up more than farm fresh fare. A growing number of chefs are partnering with farmers to provide Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) subscriptions to diners. The CSA subscriptions are […]