sick chicken illness chickens

What Should You Do When A Chicken Gets Sick?

It’s not uncommon for a chicken to become sick, and illness isn’t a major catastrophe—though keepers do need to take a few precautions when a case arises.

hen rooster hens roosters

Help! My Hen Thinks She’s A Rooster!

A flock of hens will naturally establish a pecking order, but in some instances it’s possible for a hen to develop the traits and behaviors of a rooster.

8 Tips for Layer Production and Health

Courtesy iStockphoto/Thinkstock Keep your layer chickens healthy by allowing them to free-range in a safe place on your urban farm. Getting fresh eggs from your backyard isn’t as easy as just plopping a chicken in a coop. To get quality eggs—keep your layer chickens healthy in the process—you need to provide your hens with a […]

Give Your Flock Space to Bathe

  Chickens are good at finding places to dust bathe. They will snuggle up between the roots of old trees, lie down in the garden, and fluff their feathers in decomposing mulch. Dust bathing absorbs oil from their skin, and wood ash coats the skin to become a barrier protecting from mite infestations. As a […]

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