Winter Care for Herbal Houseplants

If you’re like me, you brought a lot of your tender herb plants into the house at the end of summer. After several months of dry indoor air, a lack of beneficial insects and salt softened water, most of our plants are beginning to suffer.

Trust Yourself

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. —Benjamin Spock

3 Herbs from the Carrot Family to Grow This Year

I’m planning to try a few new herbs in my garden this year. Although old standby’s like oregano, dill, thyme and basil will always have a home, I’m hoping to get a little more adventurous in both the garden and the kitchen this year by trying these slightly out-of-the-box herbs.

Buckwheat Pudding

Bubblegum flavors from anise hyssop flowers come through subtly in the finish of this beguiling dessert.

An Abundance of Borage (Starflower)

Borage spontaneously grows in nearly every corner of everyone’s yard. It’s a great substitute (or addition) to your usual steamed greens.

Nutritive Tea

Improve your immune system and fight minor sicknesses with this herbal tea that can be made at home with plants gleaned from your farm.

Container Garden Obscurity

In addition to getting the veggie garden planted, I’ve also filled my patio containers with a mixture of herbs, tropicals, succulents and annuals.

Gifts of a Productive Garden

The vegetable garden is looking good! The lettuce is nearly ready to harvest, the carrots are an inch high, the chard is developing its first true leaves, and the cole crops are growing like weeds.