Farm and Garden at Esalen Institute

Perched between the Santa Lucia Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, rests one of the most prolific 4 acres of farmland in Big Sur, if not the entire California Coast.

Rhubarb Fritters: Springtime Garden Indulgence

The early warm weather this May gifted our farm with a more-bountiful-than-usual rhubarb patch. Having already worked through our usual rhubarb repertoire of muffins and coffeecakes on our B&B guests, we took this tangy, red springtime garden treat to new levels this weekend by whipping out the fryer.

Puff Pastry Appetizer with Asparagus and Cream Cheese Filling

As many of you know, record temperatures were set across many parts of the United States this March, evidence of a changing environment. We’re adapting on our farm, Inn Serendipity, by producing more renewable energy and savoring fresh food from our gardens more months of the year.

All for Almonds

Eating farmsteadtarian is about being on a first-name basis with your farmer, so we couldn’t pass up an opportunity to tour an almond farm—one of the 5,300 that supply the farmer-owned Blue Diamond Cooperative with these super-nutritious, versatile and easy-to-cook-with nuts.

April Fools on Betty Crocker?

Born in 1921, in Minneapolis, Minn., she’s the author of more than 150 cookbooks. Her name, as familiar in most American kitchens as Julia Childs and Martha Stewart, has headlined cooking schools throughout the country, and her trademark signature graces packages of everything from cake mixes to Hamburger Helper.

Pop-up Dinners: Meet Your Meal Makers

It’s the ultimate for a farmsteadtarian: going out on the town for a sumptuous dinner. Pop-up dinners make fine dining all the more fun and delicious.

A Recipe for Everything: Ranch Dressing

Like so many great recipes, ranch dressing came about in a farmstead kitchen—specifically, Gayle and Steve Henson’s kitchen at their dude ranch outside Santa Barbara, Calif., in 1954.

CSAs the Right Way

Spring ushers in the return of the bluebirds, tulips and, increasingly, members of community-supported-agriculture farms.Here are four ways to make the most of your CSA membership.

Don’t Get Squeezed by OJ Marketing

Who doesn’t like a glass of orange juice, especially during these winter-month mornings when our bodies crave vitamin C? You probably have an image natural, fresh-squeezed juice from an Eden-like garden in Florida, but the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

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