6 Expectations For Seasonal Molt

Rachel Hurd Anger Our flock’s annual molt has always begun with the Polish in mid-summer. Next is the Partridge Plymouth Rock in late summer. In early fall, it’s the Australorp’s turn. Finally, the Silver Laced Wyandotte experiences her awkward nudity through the chilly days between Thanksgiving and the first days of December. This year, we’re […]

6 Ways to Give Molting Hens a Protein Boost

Opening the coop to find a carpet of feathers that wasn’t there the day before can be shocking, whether you’re a beginning or experienced chicken keeper.

chickens hens molting

How to Care for Molting Chickens

A reader’s young laying hens are losing their feathers and laying less eggs. She’s worried about her hens but she needn’t be. They’re probably going through their first molt.