
Apples, Honey, and Rosh Hashanah

The Jewish new year celebration is a great time to celebrate the harvest and think about your farm goals for the next growing season.

Evergreens of Hope

Good nature could winter foresee when she made the evergreen tree. —Pepper Blair

Starting Fresh

“Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page.” –Henry Ward Beecher

New Tools for a New Year

Christmas has come and gone, leaving behind (in my case) new tools for the shop. Of course, it helps that I dog-eared the tool catalogs for my wife. That way she has a number of possible gifts across a wide range of prices.

2011 Lists

And so goes another year. Why is it always so hard to believe? Before I sat down to write this post, I looked at my January 2010 garden journal writings to see if I actually managed to accomplish any of the items the last New Year’s to-do list.