Rocks in Your Garden? Leave Them There!

Since the time of the earliest settlers in this country, the process has been relatively the same: We clear an area of trees and shrubs, peel off the sod, and till the soil.

2 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Herbs

The introduction of healing herbs into any family usually begins with an adult. The benefits can be felt at every age level, but the enthusiasm is often not that easy to spread.

Caring for Aging Animal Companions

A couple nights ago, I found myself sitting up with a very sick dog. Gracie has been my companion since just before my husband came into the picture—almost 13 years.

Winter Care for Herbal Houseplants

If you’re like me, you brought a lot of your tender herb plants into the house at the end of summer. After several months of dry indoor air, a lack of beneficial insects and salt softened water, most of our plants are beginning to suffer.

Grow Your Own Poultice

After we are through the holidays on the homestead and into the new year, it’s not necessarily a time of relaxation. Spring, summer and fall are filled with great physical activity, but winter is my time to catch up on that stack of magazines and books that have been piling up.

Winter Treats for the Birds

Our farm is named after the beautiful mockingbird, which tends to be quite territorial about the property where it nests.