Getting My Garden Freak On
April 17, 2015Yes, I could plant the same ol’ boring crops every year, but why? There are varieties of all shapes, sizes and colors waiting to be explored.
Yes, I could plant the same ol’ boring crops every year, but why? There are varieties of all shapes, sizes and colors waiting to be explored.
When I exclaimed at finding fuzzy, yellow quince at the local apple orchard, a fellow shopper asked me what they were and what they tasted like. Maybe because quince must be cooked and can’t be eaten out of hand, these fragrant and ancient fruits are unfamiliar to most of us. They taste like a mix […]
Babies are often named after someone or something. We came up with 5 that honor your garden.
Expand your farm’s fruit selection by growing one of these uncommonly grown fruits.
Photo by Judith Hausman I canned my foraged “parking lot” pears in rum with plums and ground cherries. It’s a rainy, rainy day, and a rain we sorely need here in the Hudson Valley. Despite the rain, I had to go get the quince today, or else I’d have been too late for them. About […]