
Get The Most From Dewormers

Let’s wrap up this series on internal parasites with some steps you can take to get the most out of chemical dewormers on your farm.

Protect Your Livestock from Ticks

Mom took me and Uzzi for a walk the day before yesterday, and we all got ticks. Now Uzzi and I have itchy spots where Mom took them off. Ow!

How to Card Wool

Process fiber from your farm flock with this simple cleaning and carding method.

Bottle Baby Fever – Part 1

Mom has bottle baby fever, but don’t send her get well cards! It means she’s waiting for a bottle baby to be born. His name will be Milo.

Wool It Be – Part 2

Last week, I told you some of the cool things Uzzi and I learned about wool and sheep. Here are some more things to know.

Wool It Be – Part 1

Yesterday, the little girl lambs came to visit Uzzi and me. They giggled and nudged one another and then Grace, the spokeslamb asked, “You goats look funny. Why don’t you have wool?”