My Locally Grown Thanksgiving

For this year’s Thanksgiving feast, I sourced all the ingredients from my home state of Pennsylvania.

Carrot Apple Muffins

As you’re preparing for this week’s Thanksgiving dinner, other meals may fall by the wayside, but they shouldn’t—especially not breakfast. There are many options for serving up a simple yet nutritious breakfast on Thanksgiving morning to prepare you for the day of cooking and feasting ahead. Homemade muffins, for example, are fast, flexible and healthy. […]

Terrine de Haricots Verts

My green bean spread has been known as mock chopped liver for a generation. You can serve this hors d’oeuvre before a festive meal as an alternative to pâté for vegetarians or non-liver eaters, but I object to it’s nickname—it’s not mock anything! It’s a variable and novel way to enjoy fall green beans, especially […]

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