Breeds Crops & Gardening Urban Farm Urban Farming


Size: German chamomile 2 to 3 feet; Roman chamomile 9 inches to 1 foot

Sunlight requirements: Full sun or light shade

Water requirements: Occasional watering, more once in bloom

Soil requirements: Sandy, well-drained soil; German 6.7 pH and Roman 7.0 pH

When to plant: Spring

Where to plant: Garden; containers

When to harvest: When blooms in summer

Produce storage: Dry indoors in a warm, well-ventilated place. Direct sunlight harms chamomile oils. Store in sealed container.

Breeds Crops & Gardening Urban Farm Urban Farming


Size: Grows 1 to 3 feet high

Sunlight requirements: Full sun, but will tolerate some shade

Water requirements: Regular watering

Soil requirements: Prefers a soil pH of 6.6 and average, well-draining soil

When to plant: Spring to early summer

Where to plant: Garden; containers

When to harvest: Pick of the flowers when they reach their prime, in the morning after the dew dries.

Produce storage: Dry flowers on screens in the shade. Store the dried flowers in glass jars or plastic bags.

Breeds Crops & Gardening Urban Farm Urban Farming

Florence Fennel

Size: Stems grow 2 to 3 feet tall

Sunlight requirements: Best in full sun

Water requirements: One to three times a week

Soil requirements: Moist, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0

When to plant: After date of the last frost or six to eight weeks before the first frost

Where to plant: Garden area with full sun exposure

When to harvest: When bulbs are no more than 3 inches across

Produce storage: Wrap bulbs in plastic, and store in a cool place

Breeds Crops & Gardening Urban Farm Urban Farming


Size: 2 to 4 feet tall

Sunlight requirements: Shady environment away from direct sunlight

Water requirements: Regular and frequent watering; Indoor specimens should be regularly misted

Soil requirements: Rich, well-drained soil

When to plant: Spring

Where to plant: In a pot filled with rich potting mixture

When to harvest: After three to four months

Produce storage: In dry cupboard or refrigerator

Breeds Crops & Gardening Urban Farm Urban Farming


Size: About 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide

Sunlight requirements: Full sun, though partial shade is tolerated

Water requirements: Regular watering

Soil requirements: Well-drained soil rich in organic matter with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0

When to plant: Early spring

Where to plant: Sunny, sheltered site

When to harvest: Three to four weeks after harvest. Trim off roots, and remove outer leaves

Produce storage: Cool shed or cellar

Breeds Crops & Gardening Urban Farm Urban Farming

Broccoli Rabe

Size: About 12 inches tall

Sunlight requirements: Partial shade

Water requirements: Keep soil moist

Soil requirements: Moist, fertile soil, enriched before planting, with pH level between 6.5 and 7.5

When to plant: Spring

Where to plant: A site that’s protected from strong winds and heat

When to harvest: Cut stems 6 inches long before flower buds open

Produce storage: Place unwashed shoots in plastic bag, and keep in refrigerator for up to three days

Breeds Crops & Gardening Urban Farm Urban Farming

Datterini Tomato

Size: About the size of a date

Sunlight requirements: Full (minimum of six to eight hours)

Water requirements: A minimum of 1 inch per week. Keep water at roots so the leaves don’t become moldy.

Soil requirements: Soil high in nitrogen. Rick Gush suggests burying a bucket-size amount of cow manure 2 feet below each plant.

When to plant: Transplant after the last frost, when nights are warmer than 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Where to plant: Garden; containers; on stakes; can hang over walls or lean up against stakes up to 8 feet tall

When to harvest:

Produce storage:

Breeds Crops & Gardening Uncategorized Urban Farm Urban Farming

Gold Medal Tomato


Photo Credit: Frank Hyman

Size: 1 to 2 pounds

Sunlight requirements: Full (A minimum of six to eight hours per day is ideal); can grow in cool nighttime temperatures.

Water requirements: A minimum of 1 inch per week—water the root zone as needed and keep foliage dry to deter foliar diseases. Proper mulching aids in prevention of blossom end rot, drought stress and other issues associated with fluctuations in soil-moisture levels.

Soil requirements: Well-drained soil rich in organic matter is best. Soils high in nitrogen will result in excessive foliage growth at the expense of good fruit production.

When to plant: Plant in spring after the danger of frost has passed and nights remain warmer than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Seeds should be started indoors under lights four to six weeks before transplanting outdoors.

Where to plant: Garden; containers (8-gallon minimum)

When to harvest: 85 days after transplanting.

Produce storage: Use for slicing; store at room temperature.

Breeds Crops & Gardening Urban Farm Urban Farming

German Johnson Tomato

Size: 1 1/2 to 2 pounds

Sunlight requirements: Full (A minimum of six to eight hours per day is ideal.)

Water requirements: A minimum of 1 inch per week — water the root zone as needed and keep foliage dry to deter foliar diseases. Proper mulching aids in prevention of blossom end rot, drought stress and other issues associated with fluctuations in soil-moisture levels.

Soil requirements: Well-drained soil rich in organic matter is best. Soils high in nitrogen will result in excessive foliage growth at the expense of good fruit production.

When to plant: Plant in spring after the danger of frost has passed and nights remain warmer than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Seeds should be started indoors under lights four to six weeks before transplanting outdoors.

Where to plant: Garden; containers (8-gallon minimum)

When to harvest: 80 days after transplanting.

Produce storage: canning, juicing

Breeds Crops & Gardening Urban Farm Urban Farming

Brandywine Tomato

Size: up to 1 1/2 pounds

Sunlight requirements: Full (A minimum of six to eight hours per day is ideal.)

Water requirements: A minimum of 1 inch per week — water the root zone as needed and keep foliage dry to deter foliar diseases. Proper mulching aids in prevention of blossom end rot, drought stress and other issues associated with fluctuations in soil-moisture levels.

Soil requirements: Well-drained soil rich in organic matter is best. Soils high in nitrogen will result in excessive foliage growth at the expense of good fruit production.

When to plant: Plant in spring after the danger of frost has passed and nights remain warmer than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Seeds should be started indoors under lights four to six weeks before transplanting outdoors.

Where to plant: Garden, containers (14-inch minimum)

When to harvest: 80 to 90 days after transplant.

Produce storage: Store at room temperature