Invite The Beneficial Praying Mantis Into Your Garden
June 16, 2023You want to have a praying mantis population in your garden, so take these steps to introduce these beneficial insects into your growing space this year!
You want to have a praying mantis population in your garden, so take these steps to introduce these beneficial insects into your growing space this year!
In addition to providing nectar for honeybees and native pollinators, insectary strips provide some non-bug benefits, too—including food and flowers!
Ahead of the release of a new edition, Jessica Walliser reveals what was added to “Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden” and why.
The larvae of these insects are an asset to your garden, so plant native plants and herbs to make them feel at home.
Ladybugs, more accurately ladybird beetles, are a group of many species of beetles, most of which prey on garden pests.
Spiders, though not true insects, are some of the most beneficial creepy crawlies in the garden, protecting your garden from bothersome pests.
Invite beneficial insects to your gardening with this garden book and bug guide from Hobby Farms contributor Jessica Walliser.
Team up with these predatory insects to protect your garden from the damage of frustrating pests.
Get to know and start supporting the beneficial insects on your farm with the help from The Xerces Society.
While the only thing vicious about these plump, horned caterpillars is their appetite for your tomatoes, keep them out of your garden with these tips.