Recipe: Pumpkin with Walnuts and Sage
January 18, 2016Pumpkins will cook at different rates and will have variable sweetness. Any winter squash will work well in this dish, which can be amplified with cheese and bacon. INGREDIENTS 2 small pumpkins 1/3 cup walnuts, chopped but not finely 3 to 4 tablespoons sage, chopped 1/4 cup thin-sliced shallots, lightly browned, optional 3/4 cup grated […]
Make A Natural Sore Throat Gargle
April 2, 2014Here in Ohio, the mumps virus is in the news right now, so everyone is in crisis mode. It seems that when we hear about one of the old childhood diseases, like mumps, measles or whooping cough, we worry that a catastrophe is brewing.
Sage Apple Terrine
December 7, 2013Get your party prep work done early by making a terrine that can be served cold.
Sage for Holiday Feasting—and Flu Prevention
November 20, 2013This time of year, sage becomes popular in the kitchen, though we would all be “sage” to respect its place in our lives throughout the year.
Gifts of a Productive Garden
April 19, 2012The vegetable garden is looking good! The lettuce is nearly ready to harvest, the carrots are an inch high, the chard is developing its first true leaves, and the cole crops are growing like weeds.
Post-frost Garden
November 11, 2010We finally got a few hard frosts last week. Funny how it always seems to happen just after my pineapple sage starts to flower.